An Introduction to React

Daine Mawer
8 min readOct 11, 2018
Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

So, you wanna learn React? Its quite a daunting idea isn't it? No matter what background you come from, React has positioned itself at the forefront of a major paradigm shift within the context of Web 2.0. The days of jQuery are over, the days of brittle frameworks are numbered.

What does this mean? Well, to keep up with the times, we, as engineers need to make sure we’re on the cutting edge. React, along with Vue is on the frontlines of Javascript development, which means that if you want to make headway, you have to be on the front lines alongside them.

No fear! That's why I'm writing this article. I'm going to do my best to explain React and its concepts as simply as possible. Make no mistake, the best way to really bend your head around React is to get your hands dirty with it.

I’ve found for the most part that articles just lose you in the complexity of it all, so hopefully, this one will do the opposite.

We’ll tackle:

  1. Why use React in a project?
  2. What does React actually do?
  3. React paradigms explained

1. Why use React in a project?

Good question. Often, React is used in a project just so the engineers on the project can say that “We used React on the project” — let's not get…



Daine Mawer

Associate Director of Front-end Engineering at | Writer | Traveller | Surfer